Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the modeling of the solution to one of the problems of mechanics - the automated control of the manipulator used in the forestry industry for moving operations at various stages of the technological process. A unified model has been developed that allows generating control actions and energy consumption of the object under study. As a result of solving the problem, a system of equations was obtained for determining the control moment and control force, which allow the manipulator to be set in motion, as well as to determine the energy consumption for the implementation of the program motion, in which the load moves at a given speed from point a to point b along a straight line inclined at a given angle to the horizon. The proposed algorithm is generalized for solving computer-aided design problems and is a simulation experiment. The software solution is implemented in two forms. In the first module, the database is filled with the initial metric, angular and physical and mathematical characteristics of the manipulator. In the second, according to the unified model described above, the indicators are calculated that are necessary for the movement of the object and characterize the dynamics of movement, as well as the necessary energy consumption for performing the operations performed. The possibility of converting the calculated values from the database into an MS Excel table is provided.

Modeling, manipulator, design, control, automation, energy consumption, information technology

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