Volgograd, Volgograd, Russian Federation
The article examines the nature and the main manifestations of the psychological component of physical training in the context of social and psychological aspects of successful management in the education system. In particular, attention is paid to the phenomenon of psychological well-being of the person, the factors that influence the development of mental and psychophysical abilities. According to the authors, the determining factor for creating peace of mind for students in higher education is emotional and ethical attitudes. As evidence supporting the author´s position illustrated are the basic components of both psychological well-being and personal development of a human: independence (autonomy), the ability to change the environment, characterized by processes such as the pursuit of perfection, training, readiness for a new, positive interpersonal relationships, self-acceptance, purpose in life. In this paper, from a sociological point of view discussed is the possibility of using the methods employed in the process of physical training to create a favorable psychological and moral climate in the classroom for physical education and management. As a result of these techniques physical training acquires a productive nature, and physical education becomes a managed process. It is proved that the formation of a favorable psychological climate in the team involves the distribution of standard roles among its participants. Thus, in the course of exercise are determined and allocated roles such as «informal leader», «systematizer» and «harmonizer», which allows using all possible vectors of psychological modality. The article outlines the prospects of using the author´s concept. Thus, the use of the above methods in the article is not limited to the formation of emotional and ethical relations and a suitable psychological climate in the group; and directed, ultimately, at the formation of the whole person with harmonious spiritual and physical inner organization.
management in education, educational services, psychological well-being, the process of physical education, physical activity, physical education, educational activity, psycho-emotional activity, emotional and ethical development, psychological climate
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