Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
World and domestic experience shows that it is very effective to use the method of "tourist destinations" for the development of complex programs or strategies for tourism (1). As a result of numerous studies, a fairly coherent system of describing a "tourist destination" has been developed, allowing you to have a fairly comprehensive idea of both the product itself and the conditions for its receipt, attractiveness and related products. At the same time, the task of entrepreneurs, investors and representatives of regional authorities responsible for the tourism industry is to determine the prospects for the development of a particular tourist product or route. To do this, it is necessary to solve the problem of determining the investment attractiveness and prospects of a particular tourist destination, determine its competitiveness in relation to those available in this region and make a decision on the priority and expediency of investing in this direction of the tourism industry. This article is an attempt of the authors to formalize the process of determining the priority and promising development of regional tourism directions in the region, using the example of the tourism industry of Udmurtia. The basis is the preparation of a passport of a tourist destination and the use of expert assessments.

tourist destination, passport of a tourist destination, investment attractiveness of a tourist destination, stage of the life cycle of a tourist destination

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