Russian Federation
The article analyzes the results of a questionnaire survey of students of Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, aimed at studying the role of electronic resources in youth communication. The results of empirical research aimed at attitudes of students to various forms of interaction in the Web are presented. The preferences of students in the choice of the optimal mass media, programs for the rapid exchange of information are indicated. The motives and peculiarities of the attitude to the Internet are analyzed and explained. In this regard, it has been determined to what extent university students are involved in the information and communication environment of the Internet, ready for the perception of educational and other information on the Web. Separately, the amount of time that students devote to communication in social networks is characterized. In addition, the questionnaire survey focuses on the normative aspect of communication on the Internet, reveals the attitude of young people to the violation of legislation on the World Wide Web.
Internet, Internet communication, instant messengers, electronic resources, questionnaires
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