Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides a classification of centers of competence, which e subdivided into corporate, university, regional, industry, as well as excellent scientific and educational centers. The features of the work and areas of activity of each of the centers presented according to the classification are considered. In addition, the analysis of possible models of the competence center: value chain, digital integration platform and ecosystem carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the models considered, their graphic interpretation presented. Based on the results of consideration of each of the models of competence centers, a justification made for the choice of one or another model of the competence center, depending on the specifics of the organization. In the course of the research, the main digital competencies (soft skills and hard skills) also considered. In accordance with these competencies, an analysis was made of the compliance of these competencies with each of the three models of interaction between participants in the creation of products (services) (value chain, digital integration platform and ecosystem). Because of the analysis, the choice of each of the considered models realized, depending on their compliance with new digital competencies.

competence center, the model of the competence center, value chain, digital integration platform, ecosystem

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