Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The analysis of the features of the taps when cutting precise metric threads by the synchronous method on CNC machines is given. The layout of the tolerance fields of the average diameter of the tap and nut threads is constructed, which allows to ensure the accuracy, controllability and durability of the cutting tool. The formula for calculating the average diameter of the tap thread has been defined.
threading, taps, manufacture tolerance of the threaded part
1. The technologist's handbook edited by A. G. Suslov, M.: Innovative mechanical engineering, 2019, 800 p.
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3. GOST 16925-93. Tags. Manufacturing tolerances of the threaded part, Introduction. 1995-01-01, Minsk: Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, 1995.
4. GOST 24997-2004. Calibres for metric threads. Toler-ances. - Introduction, 2005-07-01, Moscow, Standartinform, 2005.