Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the prospect of using collective teaching methods in higher education. The psychological component of the effectiveness of the collective teaching method is substantiated: conditions for the formation of positive self-esteem, improvement of the psychological climate of the study group; decrease in volitional tension during classes due to greater dynamism (complete absence of monotony due to a change in activities). creating a positive emotional background by meeting the social need for communication. The substantiation of the pedagogical effectiveness of the collective learning method is given by the fact that information is perceived immediately through the visual and auditory channel, systematized and refined, the period between the assimilation and use of information is minimal. In the course of clarifying the concept of collective learning, it is compared with group teaching methods. The choice of a collective teaching method is substantiated. A pedagogical experiment on the use of a collective teaching method is presented and its results are evaluated.

collective teaching methods, group teaching methods, social facilitation, social laziness, pedagogical experiment

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