Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of standardization of the "Personality’s Agency Activity Profile" methodology. This methodology is the author's multidimensional personality questionnaire, with confirmed validity and reliability, and is aimed at discovering the personality positioning system that determines the nature and orientation of the agent’s activity. The problems of standardization of personal psychological questionnaires are raised, in particular, the problems of the relativity of the norms obtained during standardization and the need for additional indicators to receive a correct psychodiagnostic interpretation. A step-by-step scheme for standardizing the methodology scales has been implemented on a sample of 958 people, including a test for the normality and homogeneity of empirical distributions. The need for differentiated standardization of the methodology depending on the gender and age of the respondents has been substantiated using the methods of mathematical statistics. For the middle-aged (25-42 years old) part of the sample, tables for converting raw test scores to stanines have been built up and presented.

Personality’s Agency Activity Profile, percentile standardization, differentiated standardization, empirical distributions

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