Polzunov Altai State Technical University
Russian Federation
The article emphasizes the relevance of the development of wage systems that are adequate for the current reality. Conceptual approaches to strengthening the stimulating and regulating functions of wages are justified. The original technology of development of effective wage systems is proposed, based on the use as incentive wage differentiators of estimated indicators of labor quality of employees (level of competitiveness) and personnel (level of loyalty); accordingly, as regulatory (margin) differentiators - employment ranks determined by the preference of employment forms and work regimes. Algorithms for designing and adjusting the integral wage differentiation grid are presented and illustrated on conditional examples. The methodology of justification of employment ranks of groups of workers based on development and comparative analysis of workograms is proposed. The potential practical demand for the proposed technology, revealed in the process of personnel monitoring of heads of industrial enterprises of the Altai Territory, was emphasized.
effective wage system, stimulating and regulating (margin) differentiators, workograms, development technology, methodological toolkit
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