from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Russian Federation
The paper presents the analysis of the peculiarities of the verbal behaviour of the French politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon. On the examples obtained from his interviews and videos, the author demonstrates that by means of such figures of speech as metaphors and phraseological units, the French politician was able to materialize his persuasive strategies by manipulating people’s minds. It is emphasized that metaphoric expressions used within the idiolect of Jean-Luc Mélenchon were able to form positive or negative image and perception of the politician, therefore the role of these figures of speech cannot be underestimated. It is also observed that the study of metaphors is considered to be extremely important within the learning process at the University, especially when teaching the language of French political communication to students in Political Science, International Journalism and Diplomacy.
verbal behavior; French political discourse; idiolect; Jean-Luc Melenchon
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