The article substantiates the effectiveness of the use of multimedia technologies for the formation of ideas of older preschool children about the rules of the road. The role and significance of the participants of the educational process: teachers and parents in familiarizing children with the rules of the road is revealed. The corresponding traditional and innovative forms and methods of work with preschool children are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the possibilities of information tools and software in enriching children's ideas about traffic rules. The topic of the NOD for expanding the horizons of older preschoolers about traffic rules is presented. The results of an online survey and questionnaire survey of teachers of preschool educational institutions about their use of multimedia tools in educational activities are presented. The conditions that contribute to the formation of older preschoolers ' ideas about the rules of behavior on the street are formulated.
children's ideas about the rules of the road, multimedia technologies, information tools, training of preschool teachers, multimedia presentations, software, traditional and information technologies
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