Functional Reliability of the Employee in Operation Safety Management System Facilities for the Use of Nuclear Energy
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ensuring the safety of operation of particularly radiation-hazardous and nuclear-hazardous industries and facilities in the field of nuclear power is carried out using various methods, one of which is medical professional selection, selection and admission of personnel to perform official duties. The implementation of medical selection measures in the course of medical examinations using lists of medical contraindications is focused on the possibility of issuing permits to perform certain types of activities at the oiae to persons who do not have appropriate diagnoses. The presence of a disease included in the list of medical contraindications, detected during preliminary and periodic medical examinations and psychophysiological examinations, is evidence of late diagnosis and lack of data on pre-nosological disorders that are important for the selection and implementation of preventive rehabilitation and health measures. There was a need to introduce the concept of functional reliability (FR) and methods of its assessment into the practice of medical and psychophysiological support. FR is considered as a property of the functional systems of the employee's body to ensure the performance of prescribed job duties for a certain time and with a given quality, without reducing the psychophysiological adaptation (a person's systemic response to external and internal stimuli and factors aimed at achieving a useful adaptive result to an unacceptable level). The obtained data allowed us to draw a conclusion about the need to take into account the medical component of professional reliability – FR, along with assessments of the motives for choosing a profession and moral qualities, professional competence, compliance of psychological qualities and physical endurance with the requirements of the profession.

medical examination, professional selection, psychophysiological adaptation, functional reliability

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