Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
After the advent of the Internet, travel planning has become a visual process. Potential tourists book hotels, studying their interior in advance; familiarize themselves with places of recreation and infrastructure of the receiving deprivation, without leaving the house.; comparing prices; study feedback from visitors, etc. The modern tourism business is forced to increasingly use information and communication tools in competition for the client. At present, it is not enough for entrepreneurs to create tourist and recreational infrastructure facilities, it is important to form unforgettable positive emotions, atmosphere and demonstrate this not only in the traditional format, but also with the use of digital technologies. Based on a study of publications, it was revealed that Russian economists consider entrepreneurship in the field of recreation and tourism not just as a risky and profitable activity, but as an innovative one. However, the authors describe mainly economic, political, social and natural risks, leaving out psychophysiological phenomena of stress in both entrepreneurs and consumers of services, which are currently aggravated. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the role of a modern entrepreneur in the field of recreation and tourism in the conditions of digitalization and give recommendations that contribute to the further development of entrepreneurial activity in the conditions of digitalization.

entrepreneurship, innovation, recreation and tourism, impressions economics, digitalization

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