West Ural Institute of Economics and Law (Vice-Rector for Educational Activities of the Private Educational Institution)
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Formation of new approaches to personnel management in companies that bring new technologies, products and other innovations to our world is becoming an important task of the modern company management system. Researchers are trying to rethink different control systems and find those methods and technologies that will be effective in the new reality. Among such attempts we can single out Lalu theory, who "painted" companies in different colors and determined the characteristics of multicolored organizations. Among these colors Lalu singles out the "turquoise" companies that appear in new realities more and more often. The article presents the author's view of the processes of personnel management in turquoise companies. The vision is based on the analysis of the features and characteristics of similar companies. An idea has been formed about the image of the company's employees who can be effective in such companies. Ideas on methods and tools for working with personnel are formulated.
personnel management, turquoise companies, innovations, modern approaches to personnel management
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