Bazovaya universitetskaya programma issledovaniy Korei (predsedatel')
Kazan', Russian Federation
According to the record, the Korean song “Tong-tong” was classified as a song as “Tong-tong-sa” and a play as “Tong-tong-jihee”. The title of “Tong-tong” is derived from the chorus phrase “Aeoo Tong-tong Bridge” that repeats every verse. The purpose of this paper is to make it easier for modern people to understand by clarifying the meaning contained in “Tong-tong” by referring to the literature related to “Tong-tong” and the opinions of various scholars. The contents of this paper are interpreted in modern Korean through the content structure, pseudonym, vocabulary analysis, major vocabulary interpretation, and translation into modern language, and then translated into Russian. Song culture can be viewed as a part of public and intercultural communication, because songwriters strive to adapt the language and theme of the song to the standards of a mass audience, the requirements of the time, actual problems of life and general issues of being. Through this thesis, it is meaningful to make “Tong-tong”, a popular k-pop song in the Koryo Dynasty, understandable not only to modern Koreans but also to Russian-speaking readers.
tong-tong, lyrics, wollyeong, lunar phase, Koryo era, Joseon era, court music, k-pop, communication
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