Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The specific features of personnel management at hospitality industry’ enterprises have been identified and formulated in the article. Since personnel is a key multifunctional resource in the hotel business, the research analyses in close-up how the specificity of HR-management is manifested in the personnel management’s functions in hotels. The identified specific features define the characteristics of business processes in the hotel industry and reveal the mechanisms for improving the personnel management system. The factors having a direct impact on the characteristics of personnel management, the labor market in the hotel industry and the cause-and-effect relationships of influence will receive attention in the authors’ further research. HR managers, specialists interacting with human resources, undergraduate and postgraduate students specializing in Management will benefit from studying this material, as it will deepen their professional knowledge and competencies in the field of understanding the features of personnel and human resources management at the hospitality industry establishments.

personnel management, features, hotel industry, HR management

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