The article considers the main elements of the emerging information and educational environment. The reasons for the decline in the attractiveness of geography among schoolchildren are determined. Various approaches to the organization of remote classes with the use of a computer and the use of geoinformation technologies are proposed. As an alternative source of geographical information, images of the Earth from space are presented, made both for the world as a whole, and for individual regions and countries. The authors offer options for tasks using information resources in the context of distance learning of geography in grades 10-11. The techniques of using photos of the world's regions making from space, online statistics on the topics "World population" and "World Regions" are considered. The main types of activities and planned results when working with these resources are analyzed. Information about the use of online population counters in real time is of great interest. Such variants of tasks make it possible to simultaneously analyze natural and socio-economic processes, forming a higher level of spatial thinking.
information and educational environment, geography of the world population, night photos from space, online population counter, geography lesson
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