Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article focuses on the substantive and methodological features of the implementation of the principle of clarity by means of Wolfram technologies. The need and methodological feasibility of applying Wolfram technologies in the practice of teaching mathematical disciplines at an economic university is justified. Special attention is paid to the management of educational and cognitive activities of students when working with the created base of visualizations of mathematical concepts and objects, as well as the results of economic and mathematical modeling. Recommendations are presented for teachers of mathematical disciplines, compliance with which contributes to a deeper penetration of undergraduate students into the essence of mathematical methods and a meaningful interpretation of the results obtained on their basis. Disassembled and methodically characterized visualizations affect educational situations that arise when studying various mathematical disciplines: Linear Algebra, Higher Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Theory of Optimal Control, Game Theory, etc. Among them is the visualization of the probability of a random variable falling into the interval under the condition of a normal distribution of a random variable, as well as under the condition that a random variable has a Weibul distribution; visualization of probability density of hypergeometric distribution; visualization of a fragment of a function graph on a period length segment; visualization of parallelogram rule for addition of two vectors in three-dimensional space; visualization of the direction field and integral curves when solving the ordinary differential equation of the first order; visualization of the direction field when solving a system of linear differential equations of the first order. The main results of the study of the new instrumental implementation of the classical didactic principle of clarity described in this article can be useful for improving the professional training system of the future bachelor of economics, as well as for designing the content of new professionally significant disciplines in the educational field «Mathematics and mathematical modeling».

mathematical training, visualization, digital technologies, pedagogical technologies, bachelor's degree in economics, visibility, didactic principles

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