Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes and describes the current challenges faced by intercultural communication in the XXI century in a globalizing and contradictory world. Conceptual approaches to the activity-phenomenological modeling of intercultural communication are presented, its main properties and determining circumstances are highlighted. The main models that can be used to evaluate cross-cultural communication in terms of its effectiveness are highlighted. Identified, systematized and described in terms of criteria for the effectiveness of the model of intercultural communication. On the basis of content analysis, the content components selected from scientific publications are analyzed and systematized, which can then be divided into criteria, indicators, conditions and products of effective intercultural communication. The concept of "space of active intersubjectivity" is introduced into scientific circulation. It is concluded that the definition of the effectiveness of intercultural communication and its modeling in Russian science, as well as the methodological framework for systematization of its evaluation criteria, are insufficiently studied.Expert testing of basic and additional criteria and a system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of intercultural communication was carried out.

intercultural communication, activity-phenomenological concept, challenges of intercultural communication, indiginization, reassembly of the social, effectiveness of intercultural communication, the space of active intersubjectivity, content analysis, expert survey, criteria and system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of intercultural communication

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