Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
At present goals and objectives of the education development are associated with ensuring the global competitiveness of the Russian education in general and guaranteeing the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education, in particular. To achieve these national goals and objectives aimed at the development of education, the purposeful activity of general education institutions is required. They should focus on the design of modern school models to transform them into a new type of schools that will be able to improve the quality of education and ensure the school graduates’ training and preparation for their future adult life in the context of sustainable technological changes in the production, economic and social spheres. The article presents the approaches used by the staff of the Educational Complex "Nasha Shkola" in Novosibirsk to the construction of the Student’s Profile as a target reference point for the educational content standard of the System "Nasha Shkola" in the context of the system-activity and outcome-based approaches. The paper also considers the list of universal competencies and literacy groups that are formed by the educational and technological environment of the school and allow creating conditions for the personal and professional success of each student.
general education school, competence, system-activity and outcome-based approaches, student’s profile, universal competencies, educational and technological environment
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