Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Improving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises is based on the introduction of advanced business and management information technologies. The current business environment is increasingly causing an urgent need for managers to expand the horizon of digital vision not only for current, but also for future management of the company. Today, it is not enough for a Manager to simply have proper professional knowledge in certain functional areas of activity and have a broad managerial Outlook. A modern Manager should be able to initiate the introduction and use of advanced information systems and technologies in almost all implemented business processes of his company. When preparing the article, the materials of research conducted at a number of domestic industrial enterprises were used. Conclusions and main provisions are based on the results of analysis of real practice of implementation and operation of corporate information systems. The results obtained in the course of the research, including the opinions of experts, which were made by employees of industrial enterprises, were used in conducting targeted work to establish a priority list of the most relevant and significant professional areas of knowledge and professional qualities that can help a modern Manager achieve success in the implementation and practical use of corporate information systems. The main result of the research should be considered the formation of such a priority list.

implementation, knowledge, quality, company, corporate information system (CIS), personnel, resistance to implementation

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