from 01.01.2004 until now
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2009 until now
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
BISAC PSY012000 Education & Training
This article examines the current student problem of our time – ways to implement intrapersonal conflict in aggressive forms of behavior, mechanisms of manifestation, gender characteristics of aggressiveness in the student environment. The theoretical part of the research defines the main concepts and modern concepts that the authors adhere to. Practical research is based on the identification and study of groups in the University student environment that are most prone to aggression; on the selection in groups of students who are prone to various types of aggression in the form of deviant behavior. The main tools of the research were methods and techniques: the Express survey developed by the authors; the A. bass-A. darky aggression questionnaire (BD); methods for diagnosing the tendency to deviate behavior (SOP); observation; Spearman's rank correlation coefficient method. In the course of the study, the following reliable conclusions were obtained. The girls were found to have weak volitional control of the emotional sphere in the manifestation of verbal, physical, indirect aggression, as well as irritability and suspicion. In young men, weakness of volitional control is correlated with irritability, indirect aggression, negativism, and resentment. Delinquent behavior is typical only for young men. Propensity to aggression and violence in the female sample of the risk group is associated with verbal, physical and indirect aggression as a way of detente. Female aggressiveness can manifest itself in a willingness to display negative reactions and an oppositional manner in behavior. In the male sample of the "risk" group, the propensity to aggression and violence have less pronounced correlations with negativism, and the most specific way to solve the situation is physical aggression. The authors suggest ways to conduct psychological and pedagogical work in higher education with students who have various forms of aggression.
aggression, aggressiveness, deviant behavior, forms of deviant behavior, gender differences, indicators of aggression, directions for prevention and correction of aggressive behavior
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