Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The possibilities of Wolfram Mathematica (WM), which is a package of symbolic mathematics, are endless. In this paper are investigated the possibilities of WM software product contextualization in the process of geometric-graphic teaching of students; is considered the experience for using a set of WM computational algorithms in teaching practice. The source codes and output data of our own WOLFRAM projects are offered, which are illustrative, in the form of interactive graphs, visualization of the solution for one of DG course’s basic problems on construction of points A, B, C and D, given by coordinates in space; construction a plane of general position passing through points A, B and C; determining positions of these points and the constructed plane in space; and also on determining the point D belonging to this plane. Have been presented examples of several of the existing WOLFRAM projects in the form of interactive graphs used in teaching. The study of applied issues and the ability to translate a professional problem into mathematical language, working in WM, provides a student with an opportunity to assimilate the necessary competencies. Interactive visualization of solving DG problems, which can be carried out using WM, together with traditional problem solving, enriches the content of geometric education, introduces new opportunities in organization of the educational process, allows stimulate, maintain and increase students' interest in studying the discipline and further research in the area of DG. However, the ability to work in WM cannot replace the fundamental knowledge obtained by students of a technical high educational institute from the traditional course, but only complements the DG course by WM acquaintance.

WOLFRAM MATHEMATICA (WM), Descriptive Geometry (DG)

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