Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a practice-focused tasks for financial literacy, developed to meet requirements of the new standard on the subject of social Science, International programs, assessment of educational achievements of students 15 years of age PISA (Programme for Internetional Student Assessment). The results of the international PISA study assess the functional literacy of students, including the ability to use knowledge, skills and experience to solve life problems in personally and socially significant situations. When developing tasks, the authors focused on Russian legislation in the field of taxation and labor legislation. Task texts use economic concepts such as accrued salary, after-tax salary (on hand), salary, pension, stipend, and alimony. Tasks can be used by teachers in social studies, economics, mathematics, and financial literacy classes.

financial literacy of schoolchildren, practice-oriented tasks, didactic materials, taxes, personal income tax (pit), income tax, professional income tax

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