Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Among the areas of extended education of children aimed at their comprehensive development, a special place is given to teaching chess. Chess develops eye-mindedness and logical thinking, attention and memory, contributes to the development of imagination and creativity as well as cultivates perseverance, purposefulness, independence in decision-making. All the skills acquired in the course of chess lessons will help the child in the future, no matter whoever he becomes. In the practical part of the article, the scenario for holding a chess and draughts tournament for families «Dad, Mom and me – a chess family» was proposed. The tasks of the event conducted by the author are following: testing the knowledge gained, acquiring skills for participating in chess competitions, getting used to the cultural spending of free time, uniting the children's and parents' collective, uniting the families of pupils.

extended education, educational process, developing education, eye-mindedness, logical thinking, chess tournament
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