from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2021
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
Today we live in a knowledge society, a society shaped by the information revolution and developed by communication technologies. At the dawn of the new era, the concept of intellectual capital was first used to explain the importance of intellectual resources - such as information, knowledge, and experience - in the modern economy. Today, intellectual capital is a key factor in the company's profitability and has become an essential resource for creating economic wealth. In this environment, intellectual capital and intangible assets are fundamental to success. Intellectual capital consists of intangible assets that, when properly used, become a source of sustainable competitive advantage. To create value, the components of intellectual capital must interact. The assessment of intellectual capital is an important activity for any organization operating in a competitive market, and involves the achievement of intangible assets, but at a lower cost. The interest in measuring intellectual capital was caused by the fact that accounting, as it is currently practiced, has largely lost its information capacity as enterprises have become more and more knowledge-intensive. Traditional valuation methods based on accounting principles, where the value of a company's assets is a fraction of the value, have systematically undervalued companies. The existence of non-financial standards is critical to the company's value creation, as the accounting rules, under constant review, were originally developed for tangible assets, which are a source of wealth in the industrial period. In the literature, the assessment of intellectual capital is considered in different ways, with many approaches developed over time based on research and research, most of which are aimed at improving the performance of an organization, measured by different tools. This article is a synthesis of the most well-known models used to evaluate intellectual capital and its subsequent implementation in the case of Company X. The results obtained confirm the hypothesis that the intellectual capital of a company has a favorable effect on the results of the organization's activities and may indicate future competitiveness.
intellectual capital, valuation, model, organization
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