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Abstract (English):
It is reported about the state of natural regeneration of pine in a burnt-out area in a lingonberry pine forest. After the fire, rocky outcrops were exposed on the hills. Organic layer was completely burned out with spots and it has not recovered in 10 years. Pine undergrowth appeared in the first or second years after the fire. The number of self-seeding pine reaches 4-6 thousand/ha. The maximum number of pines is observed on rocky heights, where other forest-forming species are represented by single trees. Birch dominates in the relief depressions. The undergrowth is represented by mountain ash, willow, and wild rose. Heather, lingonberry, thin-bladed grass, reed grass, green mosses and lichens grow in the composition of the living ground cover

Karelia, Prionezhskoe forestry, lingonberry pine forests, burnt areas, pine self-renewal
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