Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
In the new realities of the world, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the paradigm of management and work organization in companies is changing. The industrial revolution and digitalization are “threatening” to replace human labor with automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. The cluster of IT companies is actively developing. The management of the companies accepted the challenge of lightning fast transfer of office employees to the remote mode. The study provides recommendations on the use of software to solve functional tasks for managing employees and remote teams. Based on a detailed analysis of the characteristics, practices of companies and price guidelines, a list of software for managing employees on remote employment is formed. The software is presented for functional tasks: discussion of operational tasks using video communications, setting and monitoring long-term tasks, document management and online accounting, quick access to services and data storage. Maintaining a healthy and developing digital corporate culture is key to the success of remote work.
remote employment, “remote” employees, organization of work of "remote" employees, software, software integration
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