Materia Medica Holding (HR Manager)
The article points to the relevance of the development of human capital of employees of the organization to maintain the growth of labor productivity at the enterprise. Theoretical approaches of various researchers to the concept of "human capital" and its structure are considered. The current situation and possible reasons for low labor productivity in the pharmaceutical industry are considered. The results of the study of human capital of the most popular representatives of four specialties in the pharmaceutical field: doctors, pharmacists, biotechnologists, chemists. Based on the characteristic features of the studied specialties concerning qualification requirements, the period of professional skills development, the timing of career development and the implementation of work projects, the author's model of human capital was proposed, which also includes elements that affect labor productivity. According to the study of the elements and parameters of human capital representatives from reporting professions were no significant differences in the parameters of the fields and the dominant elements of human capital that will allow further research to develop the optimum system of stimulation of labor productivity of employees of organizations.
human capital, labor productivity, labor motivation, parameters and elements of human capital, personnel incentives
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