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Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The “Geometry and Graphics” journal is celebrating its eight-year birthday in 2020. It was set up in 2012. From the moment of its set up until 2016, it was the first period of the journal's life, when pedagogical papers were published three times more than the geometrical ones. In 2016 the journal was put in the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles in specialties 05.01.01 and 13.08.00. It was the second period in the journal's life. The number of scientific and pedagogical papers have become approximately equal, which indicates a more careful selection of papers for publication in the journal, as well as introduction the apparatus for independent peer review sorting out papers not falling outside the level of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles’ journal. In 2018 the specialty 13.08.00 was removed, only Engineering Geometry and Computer Graphics remained – the third period in the journal's life began, which was characterized by a sharp fall in the number of pedagogical papers, and little wonder. This trend has been demonstrated in the present paper. As a result, if in the first period pedagogical papers in the journal were equal to 3/4 of papers’ total number, in the third period pedagogical papers number had become only 1/4, that is, had decreased by 3 times. From 2019 (No. 4) Pedagogy has returned to the journal – the fourth period has started. Now in the journal there were two specialties again. When the pedagogical direction was again included in the list, the situation related to publication of pedagogical papers in the journal improved, and on the example of three recently published journal numbers, we can say that they began to publish in the journal technical and pedagogical papers in equal measure. This paper aims to show to the reader the scope of pedagogical issues in papers published in the journal and related to geometric education.

geometry, pedagogy, higher education, descriptive geometry, problems of geometric education

1. Abrosimov S.N. Geometro-graficheskie studencheskie olimpiady v Sankt-Peterburge [Geometric graphic student Olympiads in St. Petersburg]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2019, V. 7, I. 2, pp. 76-86. DOI: (in Russian)

2. Aleksyuk A.A. Laboratornyj praktikum po komp'yuternoj grafike [Laboratory Workshop on Computer Graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 3, pp. 78-85. DOI: (in Russian)

3. Al`shakova E.L. Metodicheskij kompleks obucheniya programmirovaniyu na yazy`ke AutoLISP [Methodical complex of teaching programming in the AutoLISP language]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V.1, I.1. pp. 38-41. DOI: (in Russian).

4. Al'shakova E.L. Organizacija i provedenie olimpiad po nachertatel'noj geometrii v Jugo-Zapadnom gosudarstvennom universitete [The Organization and carrying out of Olympiads on descriptive geometry in the South-Western state University]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 38-41. (in Russian). DOI:

5. Al'shakova E.L. Primenenie informatsionnykh tekhnologiy v uchebnom protsesse na kafedre nachertatel'noy geometrii i inzhenernoy grafiki [Application of information technol ogies in the educational process at the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 42-46. (in Russian)

6. Al`shakova E.L. Soderzhanie discipliny` «Nachertatel`naya geometriya i inzhenernaya grafika» special`nosti «Stroitel`stvo unikal`ny`x zdanij i sooruzhenij» [Content of the discipline "descriptive geometry and engineering graphics" specialty "Construction of unique buildings and structures"]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 42-46. DOI: (in Russian)

7. Artsikhovskaya-Kuznetsova L.V. O golovolomnosti v nachertatel'noy geometrii [About puzzling in descriptive geometry]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 31-35. DOI:

8. Asekritova S.V., Puchkov I.A. Ispol'zovanie rezul'tatov nauchno-issledovatel'skih raboty studentov v processe prepodavanija graficheskih disciplin [Using of students’ research scientific work results during the teaching of graphic disciplines]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 75-76. (in Russian)

9. Asekritova S.V. Metodika prepodavanija kursa ≪Graficheskie redaktory SAPR≫ [Technique of ≪SAPR Graphic Editors≫ course teaching]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 46-48. DOI: (in Russian)

10. Asekritova S. V. Osobennosti organizatsii samostoyatel'noy raboty studentov na kafedre [Peculiarities of organization of independent work of students at the Department]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry & Graphics]. V. 2, i. 1, pp. 27-28. DOI: (in Russian)

11. Asekritova S.V. Reshenie prikladnyh zadach s ispol'zovaniem SAPR [Specifics of design documentation development in production automation conditions]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 49-51. DOI: (in Russian)

12. Asekritova S.V. Specifika razrabotki konstruktorskoj dokumentacii v uslovijah avtomatizacii proizvodstva [The solution of applied tasks with SAPR use]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. ¾, pp. 36-39. DOI: (in Russian)

13. Bashkatov A.M., Kotic D.A., Jurochkina T.M. Problemy i resheniya komp'yuterizacii graficheskih disciplin v universitete [Problems and solutions of graphic disciplines computerization at the University]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2014, I. 4, pp. 22-27. (in Russian). DOI:

14. Boykov A.A. Geometricheskoe modelirovanie v sisteme distantsionnogo obucheniya [Geometric modeling in the system of distance learning]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 4, pp. 34-42. DOI: (in Russian)

15. Boykov A.A. Ispol'zovanie komp'yuternoy sistemy dlya me¬todicheskogo obespecheniya graficheskikh kursov [Using the computer system for the methodical maintenance of graphic courses]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 52-53. DOI (in Russian)

16. Bojkov A.A., Sidorov A.A., Fedotov A.M. K voprosu o metodike ispol`zovaniya algoritmov pri reshenii zadach nachertatel`noj geometrii [To the question of the method of using algorithms in solving problems of descriptive geometry]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 3, pp. 56-68. DOI: (in Russian)

17. Boykov A.A. Komp'yuternye sredstva podderzhki uchebnykh kursov graficheskikh distsiplin [Computer training courses graphical tools support disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 29-30. DOI: (in Russian)

18. Bojkov A.A. O postroenii modelej ob"ektov prostranstva chetyrekh i bolee izmerenij v uchebnom processe [On the construction of models of objects of space of four or more dimensions in the educational process]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 54-71. - DOI: (in Russian)

19. Bol`shakov V.P., Klimov I.V., Chagin A.V. Soderzhanie sajta soprovozhdeniya regional`noj studencheskoj olimpiady` po inzhenernoj i komp`yuternoj grafike [The content of the site support the regional student Olympiad on engineering and computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 4, pp. 83-93. DOI: (in Russian)

20. Bol'shakov V.P., Chagina A.V. Testovye zadaniya po osnovam trekhmernogo modelirovaniya [Tests on the basics of three-dimensional modeling]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 4, pp. 60-68. DOI: (in Russian)

21. Boshchenko of T.V. Fokin N. I. Obrazovatel'noe soprovozhdenie odarennyh studentov v usloviyah innovacionnogo obrazovaniya [Educational escort of gifted students in the conditions of innovative education]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 21-25. DOI: (in Russian).

22. Borovikov I.F., Ivanov G.S., Surkova N.G. O primenenii preobrazovanij pri reshenii zadach nachertatel'noj geometrii [On applicatoin of transformations at diecriptive geometry’s problems solution.] Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 2, pp. 3-22. DOI: (in Russian)

23. Brailov A.Yu. Analiz sistem izmereniya dlya postroeniya geometricheskix modelej izdeliya [Analysis of measurement systems to construct geometric models of products]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2016, V. 4, I. 1, pp. 34-43. - DOI: (in Russian)

24. Burlov V.V. Organizatsiya uchebnogo protsessa po nachertatel'noy geometrii v Penzenskoy tekhnologicheskoy akademii [Organization of the educational process on descriptive geometry in the Penza Technological Academy]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 14-17. DOI: (in Russian)

25. Vavanov D.A. Obzor komp'juternyh tehnologij, primenjaemyh pri obuchenii nachertatel'noj geometrii [Overview of computer technologies in teaching descriptive geometry]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 54-57. DOI: (in Russian)

26. Varepo L.G., Trapeznikova O.V., Panchuk K.L., Lyashkov A.A., Golunov A.V. Komp`yuternoe vizual`noe predstavlenie czvetovogo oxvata sistem vosproizvedeniya mnogokrasochnogo izobrazheniya [Computer visual representation of color coverage of multi-color image reproduction systems]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2017, V. 5, I. 3. pp. 86-91. DOI: (in Russian)

27. Varushkin V.P. Ispol'zovanie SAPR dlya kursovogo proektirovaniya [CAD Use for Course Design]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 41-45. (in Russian). DOI:

28. Vel’tishhev V.V. 3D-olimpiady i komp’juternoe proektirovanie v programmah tehnicheskih universitetov [3D contest and computer engineerings the technical universities] Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 2, pp. 52-59. DOI: (in Russian)

29. Volkova M.Yu., Egorycheva E.V. Graficheskaya gramotnost' inzhenera kak sposob polucheniya fundamental'nyh professional'nyh znanij [Graphic literacy of an engineer as a way to obtain fundamental professional knowledge]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 53-57. DOI: (in Russian)

30. Voloshin A.E., Vy`shnepol`skij V.I., Czuranov N.M. Ucheny`j, izobretatel`, zaveduyushhij kafedroj [Scientist, inventor, head of the Department]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2014, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 58-65. DOI: (in Russian)

31. Voloshinov D.V., Solomonov K.N. Konstruktivnoe geometricheskoe modelirovanie kak perspektiva prepodavaniya graficheskih disciplin [Constructive geometric modeling as a perspective of teaching graphic disciplines.] Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 10-13. DOI: (in Russian)

32. Voloshinov D.V. O perspektivah razvitiya geometrii i ee instrumentariya [On the prospects for the development of geometry and its tools]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 15-21. - DOI: (in Russian)

33. Vol'hin K.A., Astahova T.A. Problemy graficheskoj podgotovki studentov tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Problems of graphic preparation of students of a technical university]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 25-30. - DOI: (in Russian)

34. Voronina M.V., Moroz O.N. «Perevyornuty`j» kurs inzhenernoj geometrii i komp`yuternoj grafiki ["Inverted" course of engineering geometry and computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2017, V. 5, I. 4, pp. 52-67. DOI: (in Russian)

35. Vy`shnepol`skij V.I. Vy`shnepol`skij Igor` Samuilovich (11.04.1918-17.01.1999) [Vyshnepolsky Igor Samuilovich (11.04.1918-17.01.1999)]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2014, V. 2, I. 2, pp. 58-66. DOI: (in Russian)

36. Vyshnepolsky V.I. Moskovskie gorodskie olimpiady po inzhenernoj grafike [Moscow city Olympiad engineering graphics]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 83-85. DOI: (in Russian)

37. Vyshnepol'skij V.I. Otkrytaja Vserossijskaja studencheskaja olimpiada po nachertatel'noj geometrii, inzhenernoj i komp'juternoj grafike 2015 goda [Open all-Russian student Olympiad on descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics, 2015]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 1, pp. 73-89. (in Russian). DOI

38. Vyishnepolskiy V.I. Pokazatel kachestva rabotyi prepodavatelya i kafedryi [The indicator of the quality of work of the teacher and the department]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 4, pp. 15-21. DOI: (in Russian).

39. Vyshnepolsky V.I. Funkcii olimpiad [Competitions options]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 44-47. DOI: (in Russian)

40. Vyshnepol'skij V.I. Celi i metody obucheniya graficheskim disciplinam [Goals and methods of teaching graphic disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 8-9. DOI: (in Russian)

41. Gornov A.O. Bazovaja geometro-graficheskaja podgotovka na osnove 3D-jelektronnyh modelej [Basic geometrical graphic preparation based on 3D-electronic models]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 43-49. DOI: (in Russian)

42. Gornov A.O. Evgenij Aleksandrovich Glazunov. K 125-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Evgeny Aleksandrovich Glazunov. To the 125th anniversary of his birth]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2015, V. 3, I. 4, pp. 55-66. DOI: (in Russian)

43. Grosheva T.V., Kochurova L.V., Turitsyina I.A. K voprosu ob organizatsii samostoyatelnoy rabotyi studentov v protsesse graficheskoy podgotovki [On the organization of independent work of students in the process of graphic preparation]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 2, pp. 43-48. DOI: (in Russian).

44. Grosheva T.V., Shelyakina G.G. K voprosu ob effektivnosti monitoringa kachestva graficheskoj podgotovki studentov [To the question of the effectiveness of monitoring the quality of graphic preparation of students]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 4, pp. 75-82. DOI: (in Russian)

45. Guzenkov V.N. Informatsionnye tekhnologii v graficheskikh distsiplinakh tekhnicheskogo universiteta [Information technologies in graphic disciplines of the technical university]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 26-28. (in Russian)

46. Dmitrieva I.M., Ivanov G.S. Kompetentnostny`j podxod v prepodavanii temy` «Kasatel`naya ploskost` i normal`» [Competence approach in teaching the topic "Tangent plane and normal"]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2019, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 47-55. DOI: (in Russian)

47. Dudar` E.S., Shaxova A.B. Modul`noe strukturirovanie rabochix programm po graficheskim discipli [Modular structuring of work programs in graphic disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 31-32. DOI: (in Russian)

48. Erckina E.B. Geometricheskoe modelirovanie v avtomatizirovannom proektirovanii arhitekturnyh ob"ektov [Geometric modeling in computer-aided design of architectural objects]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 2, pp. 48-54. - DOI: (in Russian)

49. Erckina E.B. O formirovanii graficheskoj kul'tury budushchih inzhenerov v oblasti gidrotekhnicheskogo stroitel'stva [On the formation of a graphic culture of future engineers in the field of hydraulic engineering construction]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 1, pp. 57-66. DOI: 74729640. (in Russian)

50. Ivanov G.S., Dmitrieva I.M. K vy`boru posrednika pri reshenii pervoj pozicionnoj zadachi [To the choice of an intermediary in solving the first positional problem]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2015, V. 3, I. 1, pp. 26-30. DOI: (in Russian)

51. Ivanov G.S. Kompetentnostnyj podhod k soderzhaniju kursa nachertatel'noj geometrii [Competence approach to the content of the course of descriptive geometry]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 3-5. DOI: (in Russian)

52. Ivanov G.S., Dmitrieva I.M. O zadachah nachertatel'noj geometrii s mnimymi reshenijami [Descriptive geometry problems with imaginary solutions]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 2, pp. 3-9. DOI: (in Russian)

53. Ivanov G.S. Perspektivy nachertatel'noj geometrii kak uchebnoj discipliny [Perspectives of descriptive geometry as an educational discipline]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 26-27. DOI: (in Russian)

54. Ivanov G.S. Predystorija i predposylki transformacii nachertatel'noj geometrii v inzhenernuju [Previous History and Background of Transformation of the Descriptive Geometry in the Engineering Geometry]. Geometrija i grafika. [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 2, pp. 29-36. DOI: (in Russian)

55. Ishenko A.A. K voprosu o neobhodimosti prepodavaniya nachertatel'noj geometrii i grafiki dlya himikov i himikovtekhnologov [To the question of the need for teaching descriptive geometry and graphics for chemists and chemical technologists]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 6-7. DOI: (in Russian)

56. Ignat'ev S.A., Moroz O.N., Tret'yakova Z.O., Folomkin A.I. Opyt razrabotki elektronnykh sredstv obucheniya dlya prepodavaniya geometro-graficheskikh distsiplin [Experience in the development of e-learning tools for the teaching of geometric-graphic disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 2, pp. 84-92. Doi: (in Russian)

57. Ignat'ev S.A., Tret'yakova Z.O., Folomkin A.I. Tekhnologii testirovaniya v ocenke predmetnoj gotovnosti studentov k izucheniyu geometro- graficheskih disciplin vuza [Testing technologies in assessing the subject readiness of students to study the geographic disciplines of the university]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2019, V. 7, I. 4, pp. 65-75. DOI: (in Russian)

58. Kadykova N.S., Sal'kov N.A. Reformirovanie ocenok geometrograficheskih znanii [The reform of the estimates of geometric and graphic knowledge]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 52-53. DOI: (in Russian).

59. Konstantinov A.V. Naglyadnost` izobrazhenij v texnicheskom risunke [Visibility of images in technical drawing]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2017, V. 5, I. 3, pp. 67-77. DOI: (in Russian)

60. Konstantinov A.V. Texnicheskij risunok v izuchenii osnov izobrazitel`noj gramoty` [Technical drawing in the study of the basics of visual literacy]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2017, V. 5, I. 1, pp. 51-63. DOI: (in Russian)

61. Korotkij V.A. Lomonosov i komp`yuterny`e texnologii v obuchenii nachertatel`noj geometrii [Lomonosov and computer technologies in teaching descriptive geometry]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2015, V. 3, I. 3, pp. 58-63. DOI: (in Russian)

62. Korotkiy V.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya na ekrane komp'yuteram [Descriptive geometry on the computer screen]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 32-34. (in Russian)

63. Leparov M.N. Geometricheskie preobrazovaniya sborochny`x edinicz [Geometric transformations of Assembly units]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2019, V. 7, I. 4, pp. 76-83. DOI: (in Russian)

64. Leparov M.N. Inzhenerny`j analiz konstruktorskoj dokumentacii texnicheskogo ob``ekta [Engineering analysis of design documentation of a technical object]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2015, V. 3, I. 4, pp. 38-44. DOI: (in Russian)

65. Leparov M.N., Popov M.H. Sostojanie i tendencii geometrograficheskoj podgotovki kak komponenty inzhenernogo obrazovanija v Bolgarii [Status and Trends of GeometricalGraphic Training as a Component of Engineering Education in Bulgaria]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 22-29. DOI: (in Russian).

66. Loginovskij A.N., Xmarova L.I., Usmanova E.A. Formirovanie i razvitie professional`ny`x navy`kov studentov v kurse nachertatel`noj geometrii [Formation and development of professional skills of students in the course of descriptive geometry]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2013, V. 3, I. 2, pp. 46-51. DOI: (in Russian)

67. Malahovskaja V.V. K voprosu organizacii uchebnogo processa po graficheskim discipltinam v vuzah Belorusi [To the question of educational process organization on graphic disciplines in Belarusian high education institutions]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 38-41. DOI: (in Russian)

68. Matusevich V.Ja., Zhilkina T.A. Opyt ispol'zovaniya distancionnogo obucheniya pri prepodavanii graficheskih disciplin dlya studentov inzhenerno-stroitel'nyh i ekonomicheskih special'nostej [User experience of distance learning during graphic disciplines teaching for students of engineering construction and economic specialties]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, I. 3/4, pp. 29-32. (in Russian). DOI:

69. Matusevich V.Ja., Salkov N.A. Sistema distancionnogo obrazovanija i geometro-graficheskie discipliny [System of remote education and geometrical and graphic disciplines]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, V. 1, I.1, pp. 54-55. (in Russian)

70. Mishukovskaya Yu.I., Usataya T.V., Deryabina L.V. Razvitie tvorcheskogo potenciala studentov v ramkax olimpiady` po inzhenernoj i komp`yuternoj grafike [Development of creative potential of students in the framework of the Olympiad in engineering and computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2020, V. 8, I. 1, pp. 65-72. DOI: (in Russian)

71. Nazarova O.N. Adaptaciya discipliny` «prikladnaya geometriya» k programmam bakalavriata e`kspluatacionny`x napravlenij aviacionnogo vuza [Adaptation of the discipline "applied geometry" to the bachelor's degree programs in operational areas of the aviation University]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2020, V. 8, I. 1, pp. 57-64. DOI: (in Russian)

72. Nazarova O.N. Adaptaciya discipliny` «prikladnaya geometriya» k programmam bakalavriata e`kspluatacionny`x napravlenij aviacionnogo vuza [Adaptation of the discipline "applied geometry" to the bachelor's degree programs in operational areas of the aviation University]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2020, V. 8, I. 1, pp. 57-64. DOI: (in Russian)

73. Nazarova O.N. Analiz nekotoryh zadach kursa teoreticheskoj mekhaniki, reshaemyh metodami nachertatel'noj geometrii. [Analysis of some problems from a course on theoretical mechanics solved by descriptive geometry’s methods]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2019, V. 7, I. 4, pp. 76-83. DOI: (in Russian)

74. Nesterenko L.A. 3D-modelirovanie poverxnostej 2-go poryadka [3D modeling of 2nd-order surfaces]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2016, V. 4, pp. 48-59. DOI: (in Russian)

75. Nesterenko L.A. Lyubov` k nachertatel`noj geometrii i strast` k vy`sote [Love for descriptive geometry and passion for height]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 57-60. DOI: (in Russian)

76. Novozhilova S.A. Informatsionnoe obespechenie v sovremennykh tekhnologiyakh obucheniya graficheskim distsiplinam [Information support in modern technologies of teaching graphic disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 33-35. (in Russian)

77. Ovcharenko O. Vzaimnaya podderzhka i ispol`zovanie CAD-programm [Mutual support and use of CAD programs]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2016, V. 4, I. 2, pp. 62-67. DOI: (in Russian)

78. Panchenko V.A. Sovremennye sredstva obucheniya graficheskim disciplinam studentov zaochnoj formy obucheniya [Modern means of teaching graphic disciplines of students of correspondence courses]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 72-87. DOI: (in Russian)

79. Parvulyusov Yu.B. Primenenie komp'yuternoy grafiki pri kursovom proektirovanii opticheskikh priborov [Application of computer graphics in the course design of optical instruments]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 42-45. (in Russian)

80. Petuhova A.V. Inzhenerno-graficheskaya podgotovka stu¬dentov stroitelnyih spetsialnostey s ispolzovaniem sovremen¬nyih programmnyih kompleksov [Engineering and graphic preparation of students of building specialties using modern software systems]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Geaphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 1, pp. 47-58. DOI: (in Russian)

81. Polikarpov Y.V. Soderzhanie vuzovskogo kursa nachertatel'noj geometrii v epohu tret'ej promyshlennoj revolyucii [The content of desriptive geometry course for high educational institution’s in the third industrial revolution’s era]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 3, pp. 49-55. DOI: (in Russian)

82. Polushina T.A. Internet-trenazher po nachertatel'noj geometrii i in-zhenernoj grafike v uchebnom processe [Internet simulator on descriptive geometry and engineering graphics in educational]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 33-37. DOI: (in Russian)

83. Privalov I.I., Judina E.Ju., Remontova L.V. Aktivizacija motivacionnoj sostavljajushhej processa obuchenija geometrograficheskim disciplinam [Activation of motivational component related to training process in geometric and graphic disciplines]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 42-43. DOI: (in Russian)

84. Prokopov N.I., Vy`shnepol`skij V.I., Kady`kova N.S. Vserossijskij studencheskij konkurs «Innovacionny`e razrabotki» [All-Russian student competition "Innovative developments"]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2016, V. 4, I. 4, pp. 69-85. DOI: (in Russian)

85. Savel'ev Yu.A., Babich E.V. Komp'yuternaya metodika izucheniya nachertatel'noj geometrii. Tekhnicheskoe zadanie [Computer technique for the study of descriptive geometry. Terms of Reference]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 1, pp. 67-74. - DOI: (in Russian)

86. Sal'kov N.A. Amerikanizacija geometricheskogo obrazovanija v Rossii i nachertatel'naja geometrija [The Americanization of geometric education and descriptive geometry]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 3, pp. 38-46 DOI: (in Russian)

87. Sal`kov N.A. Analiz FGOSov novogo pokoleniya [Analysis of the new generation of FGOS]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 28-31. DOI: (in Russian)

88. Sal’kov N.A. Geometricheskaya sostavlyayushchaya tekhnicheskih innovacij [The geometric component of technical innovations]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 2, pp. 85-93. DOI: (in Russian)

89. Sal'kov N.A. Geometricheskoe modelirovanie i nachertatel'naja geometrija [Geometric modeling and descriptive geometry]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 4, pp. 31-61. DOI: (in Russian)

90. Sal'kov N.A. Distantsionnoe obuchenie graficheskim distsiplinam. Testirovanie. Analiz situatsii [Distance learning graphic disciplines. Testing. Situation analysis]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 7-14. (in Russian)

91. Salkov N.A. Iskusstvo i nachertatel'naja geometrija [Art and Descriptive Geometry]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 3-7. DOI: (in Russian)

92. Salkov N.A. Kurs nachertatel'noj geometrii Gaspara Monzha [Gaspard Monge’s Descriptive Geometry Course]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 52-56. DOI: (in Russian)

93. Sal'kov N.A. Mesto nachertatel'noj geometrii v sisteme geometricheskogo obrazovaniya tekhnicheskih vuzov [Place of descriptive geometry in the system of geometric education of technical universities]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 3, pp. 53-61. - DOI: (in Russian)

94. Salkov N.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya - baza dlya geometrii analiticheskoj [Descriptive geometry - the basis for analytic geometry]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 1, pp. 44-54. DOI: (in Russian)

95. Salkov N.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya - baza dlya komp'yuternoj grafiki [Descriptive geometry - the basis for computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 2, pp. 37-47. DOI: (in Russian)

96. Sal'kov N.A. Nachertatel'naja geometriya do 1917 goda [Descriptive Geometry until 1917]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 18-20. (in Russian). DOI:

97. Salkov N.A. Nachertatel'naya geometriya - teoriya izobrazhenij [Descriptive Geometry - Image Theory]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 4, pp. 41-47. DOI: (in Russian)

98. Sal'kov N.A. Olimpiady po nachertatel’noj geometrii kak katalizator avristicheskogo myshlenija [Olympiad on descriptive geometry as a catalyst for heuristic thinking]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 2, pp. 45-54. DOI: (in Russian)

99. Sal'kov N.A., Kadykova N.S. Organizacija studencheskih predmctnyh olimpiad vysshego urovnja [Organization of student's competitions of the highest level]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, 1. 1, pp. 44-47. DOI: (in Russian)

100. Sal'kov N.A. Predmetnye olimpiady kak pokazatel’ kachestva obuchenija [Subject olympiads as an indicator of quality of training]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 3, I. 4, pp. 45-54. DOI: (in Russian)

101. Sal`kov N.A. Formirovanie poverxnostej otkosov nasy`pej i vy`emok [Formation of surfaces of slopes of embankments and recesses]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2016, V. 4, I. 1, pp. 55-63. DOI: (in Russian)

102. Svichkareva G.N., Andrjushina T.V., Kovalev V.A. Optimizaciya struktury i soderzhaniya graficheskih kursov s pozicij modul'no-kompetentnostnogo podhoda [Optimization of structure and content of graphic courses from the perspective of modular and competence approach]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, no. 1, pp. 77-79. (in Russian). DOI:

103. Seregin V.I. Geometricheskie preobrazovaniya v nachertatel'noy geometrii i inzhenernoy grafike [Geometric transfortransformation in descriptive geometry and engineering graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 2, pp. 23-28. DOI: (in Russian)

104. Seregin V.I. Mezhdistsiplinarnye svyazi nachertatel'noy geometrii i smezhnykh razdelov vysshey matematiki [Interdisciplinary communication of descriptive geometry and related sections of higher mathematics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 8-12. DOI: (in Russian)

105. Serjogin V.I., Ivanov G.S., Borovikov I.F. Nauchno-metodicheskie voprosy podgotovki studentov k olimpiadam po nachertatel’noj geometrii [Scientific and Methodical Questions of Students Training For Academic Olympics on Descriptive Geometry]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 1, pp. 73-81. DOI: (in Russian)

106. Skorjukova Ja.G., Buda A.G., Mel'nik O. P. Nulevoj kontrol' kak neot"emlemaya chast' metodiki obucheniya geometricheskim i graficheskim disciplinam [Zero Control as Integral Part of Geometrical and Graphic Disciplines’ Instruction Technique]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2014, no. 2, pp. 32-36. (in Russian). DOI:

107. Sokolova L.S. Mnogomernoe prostranstvo i naglyadnaya geometriya v uchebnoy programme po geometricheskoy podgotovke dlya bakalavriata [Multidimensional space and visual geometry in the curriculum on geometric training for undergraduate]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 1, pp. 40-46. DOI: (in Russian)

108. Stepura E.A. «Nevozmozhny`e» geometricheskie figury` ["Impossible" geometric shapes]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 56-58. DOI: (in Russian)

109. Stolbova I.D. Aktual'nye problemy graficheskoj podgotovki studentov v tekhnicheskih vuzah [Actual problems of graphic preparation of students in technical universities.] Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 30-41. DOI: (in Russian)

110. Stolbova I.D. Kachestvo graficheskoy podgotovki studentov tekhnicheskikh VUZov v sootvetstvii s sovremennym sostoyaniem edinoy sistemy konstruktorskoy dokumentatsii [The quality of graphic preparation of students of technical universities in accordance with the current state of a unified system of design documentation]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 2, pp. 27-31. (in Russian)

111. Stolbova I.D., Aleksandrova E.P., Kraynova M.N. Organizatsiya razrabotki rabochikh programm distsipliny pri urovnevoy graficheskoy podgotovke studentov [The organization of development programs discipline when layered graphic training of students]. Innovatsii v obrazovanii [Innovation in Education]. 2014, no 4, pp. 96-107. (in Russian).

112. Stolbova I.D., Stolbov O.V., Shahova A.B. Opyt provedenija internet-konferencij po problemam kachestva graficheskoj podgotovki kak primer mezhvuzovskoj kooperacii [Experience of Online Conferences on Problems of Graphic Training Quality as an Example of Interuniversity Cooperation]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry & Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 17-24. DOI:

113. Stolbova I. D. Organizatsiya sistemy kontrolya kachestva graficheskoy podgotovki [The organization of quality control system of graphic preparation]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 3, pp. 73-82. DOI: (in Russian)

114. Stolbova I.D. O sozdanii uchebno-metodicheskogo kompleksa dlya soprovozhdeniya graficheskoj podgotovki studentov [On the creation of educational package to support graphic training of students]. Geometriya i grafika. [Geometry & Graphics]. V. 3. I. 2. pp. 29-37. DOI: (in Russian)

115. Stolbova I.D., Aleksandrova E.P., Kraynova M.N. Pozitsii integrativnosti pri tekhnologizatsii predmetnoy podgotovki [Position in integrative technologizing subject training]. Geometriya i grafika. [Geometry & Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 2. pp. 21-26. (in Russian)

116. Sufljaeva N.E. Sovremennye aspekty prepodavanija graficheskih disciplin v tehnicheskih vuzah [Modern aspects of teaching of graphic disciplines in technical universities]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 4, pp. 28-33. (in Russian). DOI:

117. Ten M.G. Primenenie mul'timedia tekhnologij pri formirovanii professional'nyh kompetencij studentov tekhnicheskogo vuza [The use of multimedia technologies in the formation of professional competencies of students of a technical university]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 2, pp. 55-63. DOI: (in Russian)

118. Ten M.G. Formation of Professional Competence of Students of Technical Specialties in the Graphic Preparation. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2015, no. 1, pp. 59-63. (in Russian). DOI:

119. Tikhonov-Bugrov D.E. O nekotoryh problemah graficheskoj podgotovki v tekhnicheskih vuzah (vzglyad iz Sankt-Peterburga) [About some problems of graphic preparation in technical universities (view from St. Petersburg)]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 2, I. 1, pp. 46-53. DOI: (in Russian)

120. Tihonov-Bugrov D.E. Abrosimov S.N. Proektno-konstruktorskoe obuchenie inzhenernoj grafike: vchera, segodnja, zavtra [Design education engineering graphics: yesterday, today, tomorrow]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 3, pp. 47-57. DOI: (in Russian)

121. Tokarev V.A. Effektivnost kompleksnogo primeneniya v professionalnoy podgotovke spetsialistov razlichnyih tipov graficheskih programm pri razrabotke geometricheskih modeley [The effectiveness of the integrated application in the professional training of various types of graphics software in the development of geometric models]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 3-4, pp. 40-43. DOI: (in Russian)

122. Turutina T.F., Tret`yakov D.V. Primenenie informacionny`x texnologij v metodike proverki graficheskoj gramotnosti budushhix specialistov [Application of information technologies in the method of checking the graphic literacy of future specialists]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2020, V. 8, I. 1, pp. 45-56. DOI: (in Russian)

123. Usanova E.V. Kompleksnoe primenenie media-tekhnologiy i CAD-sistem v geometro-graficheskoy podgotovke studentov [Complex application of media technologies and CAD-systems in the students' geometrical-graphic preparation]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 63-67. (in Russian)

124. Usanova E.V. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie aspekty geometricheskogo i graficheskogo obucheniya v tekhnicheskom vuze s ispol'zovaniem mediatekhnologij i SAPR [Psychological and pedagogical aspects of geometrical and graphic training in technical higher education institution with use of media technologies and CADsystems]. Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics], 2013, no. 1, pp. 59-62. (in Russian). DOI:

125. Usanova E.V. Formirovanie bazovogo urovnya geometro-graficheskoj kompetentnosti v elektronnom obuchenii [Formation of the basic level of geographic graphic competence in e-learning]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2016, V. 4, I. 1, pp. 64-72. - DOI: (in Russian)

126. Usataya T.V. Sovremennye podhody k proektirovaniyu izdelij v processe obucheniya studentov komp'yuternoj grafike [Modern approaches to product design in the process of teaching students computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2019, V. 7, I. 1, pp. 74-82. DOI: (in Russian)

127. Fabbrini M.F. Kod inzhenerno-stroitel`ny`x chertezhej v XIX v. [Code of engineering and construction drawings in the XIX century]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2015, V. 3, I. 1, pp. 70-73. DOI: (in Russian)

128. Fabbrini M.F. O razvitii texnicheskogo inzhenernogo chertezha v Evrope [On the development of technical engineering drawing in Europe]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2014, V. 2, I. 4, pp. 43-48. DOI: (in Russian)

129. Fedoseeva M.A. Metodika podgotovki studentov tekhnicheskih vuzov graficheskim disciplinam [Methods of preparing students of technical universities for graphic disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2019, V. 7, I. 1, pp. 68-73. DOI: (in Russian)

130. Filimonova O.S. Disciplina «Inzhenernaya i komp'yuternaya grafika» v sisteme vysshego voennogo obrazovaniya [«Engineering and computer graphics» discipline in the system of higher military education.] Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2018, V. 6, I. 4, pp. 88-99. DOI: (in Russian)

131. Fokina N.I. Poisk effektivnoy metodicheskoy sistemy obucheniya studentov komp'yuternoy grafike [Search for an effective methodical system for teaching students computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 68-69. (in Russian)

132. Kharakh M.M., Kozlova I.A., Slavin B.M. Konstruirovanie sborochnogo chertezha izdeliya metodom 3D-modelirovaniya kak zavershayushchiy etap izucheniya inzhenernoy i komp'yuternoy grafiki [Design assembly drawing articles 3D modeling method as final stage of studying engineering and computer graphics]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 3, pp. 36-40. (in Russian). DOI:

133. Kharakh M.M., Kozlova I.A., Slavin B.M., Guseva T.V. Postroenie linii peresecheniya nekotoryh slozhnyh poverhnostej 2-go poryadka v «Kompase» s ispol'zovaniem 2D- i 3D-tekhnologij [Construction of the line of intersection of some complex surfaces 2nd order in the "Compass" using 2D- and 3Dtechnology]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. Moscow, no 2, pp. 38-45. (in Russian)

134. Harah M.M., Kozlova I.A., Slavin B.M., Slavin R.B., Guseva T.V. EHlementy teorii parametrizacyi i parametricheskie chertezhy v .Kompas-grafik. [Parameterization Theory Elements and Parametric Drawings in .KOMPAS-Graphic]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 1, pp. 64-72. DOI: (in Russian)

135. Kheyfets A.L. Kurs komp'yuternoy grafiki dlya studentov stroitel'nykh spetsial'nostey [Course of computer graphics for students of construction specialties]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2015, V. 3, I. 1, pp. 31-39. (in Russian)

136. Kheyfets A.L., Butorina I.V., Vasil'eva V. N. Modeli detalej slozhnoj formy v pakete AutoCAD [Models of parts of complex shapes in AutoCAD package] Geometrija i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1. I. 1, pp. 70-72. DOI: (in Russian)

137. Kheyfets A.L. Reorganizatsiya kursa nachertatel'noy geometrii kak aktual'naya zadacha razvitiya kafedr grafiki [Reorganization of the course of descriptive geometry as an actual problem of the development of graphic departments]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 2, pp. 21-23. DOI: (in Russian)

138. Shelyakina G.G., Grosheva T.V. K voprosu ob e`ffektivnosti monitoringa kachestva graficheskoj podgotovki studentov [On the issue of the effectiveness of monitoring the quality of graphic training of students]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics], 2017, V. 5, I. 4, pp. 75-82. DOI: (in Russian)

139. Shcheglova A.V. Primenenie komp'yuternykh tekhnologiy v protsesse izucheniya graficheskikh distsiplin [Application of computer technologies in the process of studying graphic disciplines]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2013, V. 1, I. 1, pp. 73-74. (in Russian)

140. Yumatova E.G. Sistema mezhintegrativnyh konstruktivnoanaliticheskih zadach kak metod formirovaniya professional'no orientirovannyh sposobnostej budushchih inzhenerov [System of interintegraptive constructive-analytical problems as a method for forming of future engineers’professionally-oriented abilities]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and graphics]. 2017, V. 5, I. 2, pp. 75-83. DOI: (in Russian)

141. Yaroshevich O.V. Rezervy sovershenstvovaniya geometro-graficheskoy podgotovki sovremennogo inzhenera [Reserves for improving the geometric-graphic preparation of a modern engineer]. Geometriya i grafika [Geometry and Graphics]. 2014, V. 2, I. 2, pp. 37-42. (in Russian)

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