Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Crowdsourcing technologies may solve a wide range of business issues: improve efficiency of HR management, increase customer loyalty and maximize economic efficiency of whole enterprise. The recent years best practice has shown how crowdsourcing is gaining particular relevance of human resource management, allowing HR managers to resolve organization relevant problems in quick and cost-effective manner. Important advantage of crowdsourcing сomes from his main ability: decomposition of tasks into small parts and the ability to perform it’s remotely, via Internet. Thanks to this, not only large corporations, but also small and medium-sized businesses can execute a large-scale projects in a short time. This article discusses the main approaches and principles of practical project management via crowdsourcing platforms, using as the example “Beorg Smart Vision” solution.

crowdsourcing platform, crowdsourcing, use of crowdsourcing, HR workflow, artificial intelligence, neural networks, intelligent OCR, HR workflow documents, Beorg Smart Vision, automation of routine processes, operator’s pool

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