Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objectives. To study the trend of Caesarean section (CS) rate increase in the Tula region. Methods. A multicenter retrospective study of labor and delivery reports of women in Tula region, Russia who had CS procedures between the years 2000 and 2010. Robson’s Ten-Group Classification System (10-group classification) provides a clinically relevant classification of CS rates that provides a useful basis for internation-al comparisons and trend analyses. Results. In Tula region the total number of deliveries increased by 26.6% from the year 2000 as compared to 2010, the CS rate increased from 17.1 to 27.7%. The increase in CS deliveries was mostly attributed to three characteristic groups: multiparous women with uterine cicatrix; primaparous women who had medical conditions for a planned CS and these, who had labor induction; women with a gestational age less than 37 weeks. The largest Robson group was nulliparous women in spontaneous labor. Conclusions. Future efforts to reduce the overall CS rate should be focussed on reducing the primary CS rate.

Caesarean section, pregnancy, Robson classification, delivery, operation.

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