Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
The article considers practically significant cases of substantiation of radiographic inspection replacement with automated ultrasound. Justifications are carried out by comparing the technical capabilities of existing methods for specific unit under test. The comparison is made according to the following defining directions: 1) possibilities of detecting inconsistencies depending on their danger; 2) information content of inspection results; 3) possibility of visual representation and long-term storage of control results. Examples of justification of such replacement for cases of thick-walled austenitic connection of the ITER thermonuclear reactor diverter support, annular welded joints of pipelines of various purposes, turbine rotors, welded joints of pipelines of the NPP pressure compensation system are given.
automated UT, radiographic inspection, data comparison, welded joints.
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