Russian Federation
Novorossiysk, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
In this paper have been considered the basic approaches and main principles of geoengineering. The “geoengineering” term transformation, as well as the term’s specifications of use in the Russian-language scientific literature, and the application area have been demonstrated. In connection with the growing biosphere problems, it has been proposed to classify mining and global pollution (i.e. pollution of atmosphere, hydrosphere and soil) as geoengineering. Special attention has been paid to the possible risks of geoengineering (including at large reservoirs of hydroelectric power plants), and the necessity for detailed study before launching of large-scale projects. The UN approach to geoengineering management has been characterized, and the main principles of geoengineering regulations have been presented. An extended classification of geoengineering technologies has been proposed.
geoengineering, geo impact, geospheres, risks, principles, management
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