Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the description of the technology of applying a conductive material by a layer-by-layer deposition method to a paper substrate.The material application method is "cold", i.e. the extruder operates at room temperature. However, in order to increase the printing speed, the printer is equipped with a heated plate with a maximum heating temperature of 120 degrees Celsius's. The description of the application method contains a mathematical description of the processes that occur during the application process. The possibility of applying the material and the accuracy of the line width depending on the speed of the print head are evaluated. This article provides a calculation of the mechanical parameters of the extruder components to determine the required resolution and accuracy of the feed.The article describes the method of application, the temperature of the environment 20 +/- 3 hail-sa Celsius.
three-dimensional printing, electric circuits, conductive materials, methods of applying conductive materials, features of applying conductive materials
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