Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article shows the methodological problems of the organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren in the context of the “knowledge triangle” concept, which includes interconnections in the triad “education - science - innovation” in order to systemically transform the school of a new generation in the conditions of information postmodernism. The homework of schoolchildren is presented as an extracurricular independent activity of a schoolchild, undergoing significant changes due to a breakthrough in the educational process of technical and technological innovations. The prerequisites of a new vision of the problems of organization and management of educational activity (cognition) of schoolchildren and their consideration in the conditions of developing innovations are shown. Technological innovations in the form of new electronic equipment and interdisciplinary humanitarian technologies affect the updating of the content of subject courses, which, when introduced into the context of educational activity, change the forms of information transmission, the structure of its activity organization and assimilation. Understanding this problem implies the knowledge of the researcher about the features of the content, self-organization operations, the resulting communicative relationships and the features of the translation of educational material. An analysis of educational development trends shows the desire of world communities to integrate and form a new global information society based on fundamental knowledge, science, technology, high technology, allowing to achieve an increase in the pace of economic development and favorable social transformations. The factors of influence on the state of extracurricular work of schoolchildren, emerging didactic barriers in the real process of completing homework are considered. The views of domestic and foreign scientists on the problem of necessity and the abolition of homework are presented. The strategic guidelines of the organization of extracurricular activities are shown, designed to ensure the overcoming of negative influence factors through the development of instrumental-activity platforms, including digital ones, which provide rational forms of translation, perception, understanding and application of educational material.

the triangle of knowledge, extracurricular activities, homework, FSES, functional literacy, fundamental content, a holistic worldview, interdisciplinarity, communication, didactic barriers, instrumental activity platforms, strategic guidelines

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