Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper is formulated the relevance of computer tools creation for verification of descriptive geometry task solutions. Are analyzed the shortcomings of available methods and systems for such verification. A new verification method is proposed – the mode of superposition based on overlaying a student’s solution with a template and formal evaluation the overlaying results. To create templates for a wide range of descriptive geometry tasks, it is proposed to use a formal grammar of the correct solution, which is constructed using special nonterminal symbols – “and”, “or”, “transform” and “instance”. As the grammar’s terminal symbols are used geometric figures. Thus, the template consists of a graphic part (a set of figures) and a structural description (grammar). An implementation of this verification method is demonstrated as a software system for verifying of descriptive geometry task solutions in the form of DXF-files. A functional model of the verification system is given. The automatic formation of a template from a graphical model, which is created in a vector graphics editor and does not require a symbolic description, is considered, as well as processing procedure for a student’s solution, during which the verifiable model goes through phases of normalization, filtration, and extracting of higher-level elements. An example of checking for two solutions (the correct one and containing errors) of the task for constructing a perpendicular to a plane of general position is given. The work of a subsystem for verification result visualization is demonstrated too. The created system can be implemented in Internet-libraries of tasks, or in distance learning systems, and can be used for remote support of geometric-graphic courses. Conclusions about feasibility of introducing the proposed method as a tool in CAD-systems are made.

descriptive geometry, distance learning, Internet-libraries of tasks, task solution computer verification, functional model, DXF, grammar of task proper solution, verification result visualization

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