Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of mathematical literacy of primary school students, which, in accordance with the definition proposed in the international program for assessing the educational achievements of students PISA, is considered in the context of functional literacy. The article reflects the concept of a teacher's readiness to form mathematical literacy of schoolchildren, the structure of this concept has been developed, which includes five components: cognitive, motivational, emotional, operational and evaluative. The article describes the research carried out by the authors aimed at identifying the readiness of mathematics teachers of general education organizations to form students' mathematical literacy, presents a questionnaire developed to solve the research problems. The results of the analysis of ideas, attitudes and beliefs of teachers of mathematics regarding the formation of functional mathematical literacy of students are presented. The analysis of the cognitive, operational and evaluative components of readiness has been carried out in accordance with the following tasks: first, to reveal the level of the teacher's understanding of the pedagogical task and the assessment of its significance for society in modern conditions; secondly, to reveal the ideas of teachers about the methodology for the formation of mathematical literacy and mathematical content aimed at the formation of this ability; thirdly, to reveal the attitude towards the possibilities of forming mathematical literacy within the framework of a general education school, the problems and difficulties arising in solving this pedagogical problem. The analysis made it possible to reveal a contradiction between the high level of understanding by teachers of the significance of a new pedagogical task for them and the lack of didactic tools and teaching methods necessary for its solution. The directions of further research necessary to increase the level of mathematics teachers' readiness for the formation of functional mathematical literacy of students in Russian schools are proposed.

functional literacy, mathematical literacy, international PISA study, readiness

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