from 01.01.2010 until now
Russian Federation
The article considers the problem of education of children with disabilities from a sociological and legal point of view. The position of society on the issue of education and training of children with disabilities is reflected: if it accepts and perceives the difficulties encountered by “special” children in the process of obtaining new knowledge, whether they are ready to provide assistance, or vice versa, in every way impede their integration. The article gives a secondary analysis of already conducted sociological studies, which are complemented by a survey of authors. Separately, the parent’s opinions of children with disabilities and their views on this problem are highlighted. The data of official statistics, as well as the main results of the state program “Accessible Environment” are presented. In the end, the conclusion is drawn from the study, a vector is presented, according to which the attitude of society towards children with disabilities is changing.
children with disabilities; disabilities; educational sociology; society; education
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