A new kind of crisis communication called coronacommunication is represented in the research article. The arguments in favour of correlating these concepts are presented. Crisis communication and coronacommunication as one of its types are defined; their characteristic features are indicated on the basis of comparative analysis. New English-language and Russian-language lexical units of the coronacommunicative sphere with an appropriate explanation of their meaning, specificity, and usage examples are introduced. The semantic dynamics of the development of new words and their derivatives in English and Russian is indicated. The common semantic load of the analysed neologisms with the interpretation of the main word and its derivatives meanings is stated. Metaphorical means and their vector basis for language and speech display of new words in English and Russian are analysed. The cognitive mechanism of coronacommunication context metaphorization is explained. Productive lexical means of speech expressiveness in the framework of coronacommunication is singled out. A comparison of English-language and Russian-language media discourses within the framework of coronacommunication is provided.
coronacommunication, crisis communication, neologism, metaphorical model, linguocognitive mechanism, national world picture, media discourse
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