Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article justifies the relevance of research and management of social and labour relations policy (PSTO) in the enterprise in the context of innovation. A detailed structure of social and labor relations at the enterprise is presented, involving the identification of five constructive and five destructive types of STO, with justification of their key parameters (indicators of types of STO). The conceptual points of the PSTO diagnosis are emphasized, which justify the legality of the identification of three types of policy in accordance with the established structure of social and labour relations: progressive (constructive); regressive (destructive); Transformative (transient) having three varieties. A profile technique based on the use of a Questionnaire and a Diagnostic Map of the PSTO type is proposed and illustrated on conditional examples. The article identifies the application directions of the proposed methodology: analysis of the relief of the PSTO profile; Monitoring of HSS level indicators; Substantiation of targeted management decisions aimed at optimization of the STO structure. The results of pilot testing of the methodology, which support its typical character and justify the legality of replication in the subject-matter publications, are presented and analyzed.

type of social and labour relations policy (STP), HSS diagnostics and control concept, methodical tools

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