Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The article considers a teacher as a subject of monitoring the professional readiness of future workers in the oil and gas industry, who has pedagogical subjectivity in its implementation. This quality of personality is characterized in the context of the teacher's monitoring competence. The structure of pedagogical subjectivity is determined by the features of professional readiness of workers in the oil and gas industry and its monitoring. It involves the relationship of theoretical, technological, and personal components. The article presents the results of a ascertaining experiment that established insufficient formation of structural components of pedagogical subjectivity in monitoring. The expediency of correcting the identified problem aspects and related professional development of teachers to monitor the professional readiness of future workers in the oil and gas industry is justified. It is assumed that the problem of their formation is characterized by industry specifics and is implemented by means of additional professional education.
pedagogical monitoring, monitoring the formation of professional readiness of future workers in the oil and gas industry, the teacher as a subject of monitoring, pedagogical subjectivity, the structure of pedagogical subjectivity
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