Kemerovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
VAC 10.02.2019 Теория языка
UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
This study examines the issues of generating non-professional political discourse in an intentional aspect. Non-professional political discourse is born on special platforms designed to discuss events of a political nature by each user, regardless of their profession, social status, etc. Among these venues is the space of Internet comments. The multiple nature of their generation is determined by a number of discourse-forming factors (linguistic in combination with extra-linguistic ones), including the intentions of Internet users: to learn the latest political events and give their own assessment of what is happening, discuss current news and argue their political position. Despite the dependence of these texts on the primary text of political news, as well as on the preconditioned set form of a commentary, the analysis of user replicas explicates a rich repertoir of intentions of the participants. The author suggests considering the category of intentionality in the aspect of its implementation in non-professional political discourse in three guises: receptive-cognitive, communicative-interpretative and communicative-interactive.
non-professional political discourse; intentionality; intention; Internet communication; commentary
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