GRNTI 14.15 Система образования
GRNTI 14.25 Общеобразовательная школа. Педагогика общеобразовательной школы
The article discusses the problem of the formation of reading literacy among primary school children, which meets the leading requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. The types of semantic reading, methods of forming skills and semantic reading skills are considered. The author’s technology of productive reading is proposed, the contents of its stages are disclosed.
primary school child; reading literacy; the content of the concept of “semantic reading”; teaching methods for semantic reading; types of semantic reading (viewing, introductory, studying, reflective); authoring phased technology for the development of productive reading skills
1. Savost'yanov A.I. Kompleksnye zanyatiya dlya razvitiya tekhniki rechi u mladshih shkol'nikov [Integrated classes for the development of speech technology in primary school students]. Nachal'noe obrazovanie [Primary education]. 2012, I. 1, pp. 29-33.; EDN:
2. Savost'yanov A.I. Metodika raboty nad rech'yu v 1-3-h klassah nachal'noj shkoly [The methodology of working on speech in grades 1-3 of elementary school]. Metodist [Methodist]. 2011, I. 1, pp. 43-44.; EDN:
3. Savost'yanov A.I. Teoreticheskie osnovy kul'tury rechi doshkol'nika [Theoretical foundations of the culture of speech of a preschooler]. Doshkol'nik. Metodika i praktika vospitaniya i obucheniya [Preschooler. Methodology and practice of education and training]. 2017, I. 3, pp. 24-33.; EDN:
4. Savost'yanov A.I. Tekhnika rechi v rabote s mladshimi shkol'nikami v sisteme dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya [Speech technique in working with primary schoolchildren in the system of continuing education]. Sovremennoe dopolnitel'noe professional'noe i pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie [Modern continuing professional and pedagogical education]. 2018, I. 4, pp. 43-47.; EDN:
5. Savost'yanov A.I. Vospitatel'noe vozdejstvie biblioteki, ili Chto chitayut nashi shkol'niki? [The educational impact of the library, or What do our students read?]. Metodist [Methodist]. 2019, I. 3, pp. 45-47.; EDN: