Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is to analyze the technology of business valuation of personnel in modern companies and assess the eff ectiveness of their implementation. The goals and main tasks, methods and procedures are defi ned, the requirements are formulated. The functions of the personnel management service in this area are studied. The essence of the “369 degrees” method, the goalbased management method, the KPI method, performance evaluation (Performance Standard), potential assessment (Team LineUp) are summarized, the TLU assessment matrix is provided. Conclusions are drawn both on the positive and negative aspects of the applied techniques. Assessment experience in the German industrial group Adidas AG is considered. The main thing when conducting a business assessment of employees is the disclosure of their potential, ability to solve additional problems, readiness for additional professional growth in the format of a particular business, identifi cation of inclinations, abilities and personal characteristics. It is important to model the future abilities of employees in the context of the strategic objectives of the company.

business valuation, technology, method, personnel, organization, efficiency, management

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