Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Osteoarthritis is a group of different diseases with similar manifestations, which are based on the defeat of all of the joint parts (primarily of cartilage and subchondral bone, synovium, ligaments capsule) and periarticular muscles. The purpose of the study is to characterize cartilage structure and periarticular changes of tissue by means of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging without X-ray verification of osteoarthritis. Thirty eight patients with X-ray negative stage of osteoarthritis were ex-amined by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Pathological changes were detected in majority of the patients. The edema of soft tissue, exudate, changes in ligaments, deformation of joint surface were revealed in 71-74%, 11-37%, 76-68% and 58-68% of patients respectively. In general, pathological changes tended to be revealed on magnetic resonance imaging more frequently comparatively to ultrasound examination. Both ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging are comprehensive methods for early detection of knee osteoarthritis. The prognostic value of the changes is to be evaluated.

osteoathritis, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound examination, knee joints

Остеоартроз (ОА) – группа заболеваний различной этиологии со сходными проявлениями, в основе которых лежит поражение всех частей сустава (в первую очередь – хряща, а также субхондральной кости, синовиальной оболочки, связок, капсулы) и околосуставных мышц [6].


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