Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article discusses the theoretical aspects of managing the value of industrial enterprises based on models that have become as wide-spread as possible, such as economic value added — EVA (Economic Value Added), MVA (Market Value Added), Equity value added — SVA (Shareholder Value Added), monetary value added — CVA (Cash Value Added), RCF (Resident Cash Flow) and Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The given models were chosen from a large number of proposed instruments in the works of domestic and foreign scientists, as the later concepts only developed the theory of their application. The purpose of the article was to share the determinants of the increase in the cost of industrial enterprises. The study is based on the theory of VBM (Value-Based Management) — valuebased management. The formation of this theory and the above-mentioned models in the historical aspect taking into account the factors of their occurrence are considered. The characteristic features of each model in terms of their application to cost management of modern domestic industrial enterprises were assessed. On the basis of the conducted study, the determinants of the increase in the cost of industrial enterprises and the methodology of their management have been determined.
industrial enterprises, value management, economic value added, market value added, equity value added, monetary value added, balanced scorecard, value growth factors, value management approach, value thinking, economic profits, cash flows, invested capital, intellectual capital
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