Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Engineering practice cannot and will never be successful without spatial imagination and thinking, deep knowledge of geometric methods and ways for solution of engineering problems, comprehensive understanding of specificity and geometric features of technical objects and their images, understanding of labor organization impact on these processes etc. In this paper has been described the social and pedagogical investigation of question related to students’ substantive readiness to study higher educational institution’s graphic disciplines, and this question’s basis is contradiction between requirements to the initial level of students’ knowledge and skills and the level of students’ substantive readiness on the course of school training. In this paper have been performed analysis and generalization of existing pedagogical experience on issues related to graphic training. A method and a scheme for monitoring the degree of students’ competence on the school geometry course using Google forms have been proposed. Selective testing of students by the proposed way has been performed. Statistical processing of data obtained during this testing has been carried out, the density function of correct responses has been built, field of testing results correlation with total score of Unified State Exam (USE) results has been carried out, cluster analysis of obtained results has been performed by Varda method. Using the theory of latent variables and the Rush model an analysis of test tasks, aimed at optimizing the test structure, has been carried out. Based on the performed investigation, recommendations have been given for further research in this field, and measures are proposed on changing the learning process aimed at personalizing and building an individual learning trajectory in order to increase the educational process’s efficiency.

geometric and graphic training, substantive readiness, school training, online testing, Rush model

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