from 01.01.2009 until now
Ul'yanovsk, Ulyanovsk, Russian Federation
The problem of teaching and formulating the tasks for the “Applied Geometry” discipline is considered in this paper. Currently, in aviation high educational institutions there is a tendency to reduce the number of hours allocated to graphic disciplines; in addition, “Descriptive Geometry” – the habitual name of the discipline – has been replaced by name “Applied Geometry”. This is certainly connected with the transition to learning on undergraduate programs, that implies a competency-based approach, i.e., training in accordance with the necessary knowledge and methods of activity in a particular area [4; 9; 23; 29; 30; 34]. The planned results of learning in “Applied Geometry” include knowledge of methods for solving applied engineering-geometric problems, as well as the ability to use the basic elements of applied geometry and engineering graphics in professional activities, and to solve specific applied problems of geometric modeling [4; 14; 20; 22; 32]. For these reasons arises the question of the need to adapt “Descriptive Geometry” to the requirements and programs for the training of bachelors, bringing it to conformity with the name “Applied Geometry” of the discipline. According to the results of “Applied Geometry” studying, students ought to gain experience and have the ability to independently solve cognitive, organizational and other problems related to their future professional activities [28–30]. In this paper is proposed a general approach to the formulation of “Applied Geometry” problems for cadets pursuing a bachelor's degree in “Air Navigation” (25.03.03) and “Operation of Airports and Flight Support of Aircraft” (25.03.04). Using rather simple examples, has been considered the possibility to formulate the problem in such a way that instead of the traditional formulation it could be applied for a specific bachelor's degree. As well has been considered a complex applied problem, which is suitable as a task for performing a computational and graphic work, since it integrates several topics of the discipline.
applied geometry, orthogonal projections, descriptive geometry, applied problems, undergraduate, aviation high educational institutions
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