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Abstract (English):
Despite the fact that the process of structural and functional optimization of the hospital bed fund is currently underway, the basis for the provision of medical care remains the assistance provided in around the clock and day time hospitals, which is the most costly because it requires the constant involvement of a large amount of staff, material, technical, financial and other types of resources. The main indicators of the bed fund in around the clock and daily stay hospitals in the Russian Federation, Federal District and regions in dynamics for 2010-2018, as well as mortality in around the clock hospitals, are analyzed using descriptive statistics. In the Russian Federation from 2010 to 2018 the absolute number of hospitals decreased from 5705 to 4323 (by 24.2%), both due to the reduction in the number of hospital beds and in connection with the unification of medical organizations. At the same time, the number of round-the-clock beds decreased from 1250120 to 1044875 (by 16.4%); provision with hospital beds decreased (from 87.5 to 71.1 per 10,000 population - by 18.7%), the average treatment duration (from 12.6 days to 10.7 - by 15.1%) and, unfortunately, average bed occupancy per year (from 325 to 313 days - by 3.7%). In 2018, the extreme values of the indicator of hospitalization rate for 24-hour hospital beds in the regions of the Russian Federation differ 1.8 times, provision with hospital beds - 2.9 times, average bed occupancy per year - 1.2 times, average treatment duration - 1 8 times. The established differences may indicate an imbalance in the ongoing structural transformations. The overall mortality rate in the Russian Federation increased: from 1.5% in 2010 to 1.9% in 2018 (by 28.4%), a similar trend was observed in all regions. The provision of beds in day care hospitals increased from 15.4 per 10,000 in 2010 to 17.0 in 2018 (10.7%). Multidirectional tendencies are noted, both towards increasing and decreasing the number of places in day hospitals, both in the Federal Districts as a whole and in individual regions. The extreme values of the indicator of the provision of places for day care hospitals in the regions of the Russian Federation differ by 30 times, what reflects the disproportionate organization of a network of day care hospitals in the country's regions. During the observation period in the Russian Federation, the level of hospitalization in round-the-clock hospitals decreased from 222.0 to 203.5 per 1000 population (by 8.3%), while the level of hospitalizations in day care hospitals steadily increased from 26.4 to 35.0 per 1,000 (32.8%), what indicates the implementation of the expected hospital-replacing function of day care in the country as a whole. The issue of further structural and functional optimization of the hospital bed fund of the country remains relevant.

hospital bed fund, reduction of hospital beds, provision with hospital beds, average length of stay in a hospital bed, average bed occupancy per year, hospital bed, day time hospitals, hospital mortality.

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